Senin, 28 Maret 2011

desainer grafis

TENTANG ADGI: Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia adalah asosiasi profesi bagi desainer grafis Indonesia. Tujuan kami adalah mempersatukan insan terbaik yang memiliki komitmen bersinergi memajukan industri, disertai antusiasme dan kecintaan terhadap profesi melalui diskusi, kegiatan dan keterbukaan. Sebuah organisasi yang mengakomodasi kesamaan pandang untuk maju bersama demi pencapaian terbaik.

Visi Adgi adalah memajukan, memfasilitasi dan melindungi desainer grafis yang menjadi anggotanya

ABOUT ADGI: Indonesia Graphic Designers Association is a professional based membership of graphic designers in Indonesia. Our aim is to unite the best people who are committed to synergize in this industry, armed with enthusiasm and the love for the profession, through discussion, recommendations and openness. It is a new organization that accommodates the same vision to move forward together for the best result.

Adgi Vision is to empower, facilitate and protect graphic designers members

DOWNLOAD: Adgi Profile PDF


Organizations 2010-2012
The Strategic Thinkers & Planners

Chairman: Ayip Arief Budiman:

Ayip menyelesaikan studi desain di Universitas Udayana dan ISI Denpasar di fakultas Desain dengan jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Semenjak 1991 mendirikan Matamera Communications, sebuah creative agency yang masih dikelolanya di Bali bersama teman-teman hingga saat ini.

Tahun 2008 Ayip menerbitkan buku visualnya yang pertama ”I see Indonesia” yang menandai 100 tahun Kebangkitan Nasional Indonesia. Bersama teman kreatifnya mendirikan Bali Creative Community 2008. Menjadi duta kreatif pada Bangkok Design Festival 2008 dan 2009, KL Design Week 2010, dan Creative Entrepreneurs Network Asia Pacific di Thailand 2009.

Chairman: Ayip Arief Budiman:

Ayip completed design studies at Udayana University and Institute of Fine Arts of Inonesia (ISI) faculty Visual Communication Design. In 1991 he established Matamera Communications, a creative agency that he and his colleagues manage in Bali until nowdays.

In 2008 Ayip published his first visual book “I see Indonesia,” which marks 100 years of Indonesian National Awakening. Together with his creative friends he founded Bali Creative Community in 2008. Ayip was the creative ambassador in Bangkok Design Festival in 2008 and 2009, KL Design Week 2010, and the Creative Entrepreneurs Network Asia Pacific in Thailand in 2009.


Secretary General: Irvan N. Suryanto

Menyelesaikan kuliah di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Padjadjaran dengan konsentrasi bidang Komunikasi Pemasaran, pada tahun 1994, memulai karir industri periklanan dengan bergabung di Rama & Grey (Grey Worldwide) menangani klien multinasional Procter and Gamble (P&G), Unilever saat berada di Amiratipuri Lintas (Lowe) sampai dengan tahun 1999.

Pada akhir tahun 1999, Irvan N. Suryanto memulai karir profesionalnya sebagai desainer grafis dengan mendirikan biro desain yang sekarang dikenal dengan Whitespace Design. Sebuah biro desain dan brand strategy yang berlokasi di Jakarta, menangani klien di berbagai skala dan sektor industri, mulai dari small medium enterprise dengan proyek desain marketing collateral sampai dengan large corporation dengan proyek brand creations dan re-branding yang kompleks.

Mengikuti pameran International Poster Exhibition – One Globe One Flag, 2007; Original Voice Exhibition bersama karya-karya Peter Blake 2007, 2008; menjadi juri International Pack Challenge yang dilakukan Oleh British American Tobaccos November 2007, menjadi pembicara tamu di beberapa seminar desain, juga kewirausahaan di Indonesia. Tahun 2006-2007 menjadi pengurus di Adgi Jakarta Chapter, Angota Adgi National Nominating Candidates. Tahun 2007-2010, Direktur Pengembangan Program Adgi.

Secretary General: Irvan N. Suryanto

Ivan is a Graduate of the Faculty of Economics of Padjadjaran University majoring in Marketing Communications, in 1994. He Started his career in the advertising industry when joined Rama & Grey (Grey Worldwide). He handled multinational client- Procter and Gamble (P & G) and Unilever while he was with Amiratipuri Cross (Lowe) until the year 1999.

In late 1999, Irvan N. Suryanto started his professional career as a graphic designer by setting up a design agency that is now known as whitespace design. It is a strategic brand and design firm located in Jakarta, that handles clients in a variety of scales and industrial sectors, ranging from SME marketing collateral design projects up to large corporation with the brand project and complex re-branding Creations.

His activities include: the International Poster Exhibition – One Globe One Flag, 2007; Original Voice Exhibition with works by Peter Blake in 2007, 2008; a jury at Pack International Challenge conducted by British American Tobaccos in November 2007, guest speaker at several seminars on design, entrepreneurship in Indonesia. In 2006-2007 he became board member of Adgi Jakarta chapter, the Members of the National Nominating Candidates Adgi. In 2007-2010, he is the Director of Adgi Program Development.


Program Director: M. Arief Budiman

Sarjana Desain lulusan ISI Yogyakarta dengan predikat mahasiswa teladan dan lulusan terbaik 1999 kini menjadbat sebagai managing director PT. Petakumpet Creative Network Yogyakarta yang terpilih sebgai the most creative agency di pinasthika ad.festival 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008. Petakumpet juga terpilih sebagai 9 finalis ukm terbaik se-indonesia dalam dji sam soe award 2006 dan meraih bronze di citra pariwara 2008.

Selain aktif dalam organisasi Adgi juga menjadi sekretaris PPPI pengda DIY. ia juga menulis buku best seller Jualan Ide Segar- Bagaimana Membangun Bisnis kreatif Miliaran Rupiah tanpa Modal dan buku Tuhan Sang Penggoda-Catatan Harian Seorang Pencari Tuhan Yang Kurang Ajar. Selain aktif menjadi pembicara pada seminar atau workshop juga menjadi motivator kewirausahaan kreatif.

Program Director: M. Arief Budiman

Holder of bachelor degree from the institute of Fine art of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Arief was best the best graduate in 1999. He is currently the managing director of PT. Creative Network Yogyakarta Petakumpet that was named the most creative agency in Pinasthika ad.festival 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008. Petakumpet was also selected as one of finalists of the 9 best small-medium enterprises – Dji Sam Soe Indonesia in 2006. It was awarded a bronze trophy in Citra Pariwara 2008.

Besides active in the Adgi Arief is also the secretary PPPI Adgi for the regional committee in Yogyakarta. He also wrote the best seller book Jualan Ide Segar (Selling Fresh Ideas-How Build To Billions of rupiah creative Business without Capital) and the book Tuhan Sang Penggoda-Catatan Harian Seorang Pencari Tuhan Yang Kurang Ajar (God The Teaser-Journal of A Pain in the Neck God Seeker). In addition, Arief is active as a speaker at seminars or workshops and is also a motivator of creative entrepreneurship.


Director of Design Industry: Djoko Hartanto

Menyelesaikan Sarjana Ekonomi di Universitas Parahyangan Bandung 1995, lalu Adv. Dipl in Graphic Art di Billy Blue School of Graphic Art, Sydney. Di waktu yang bersamaan Djoko mengambil gelar Master of Design dari University of technology, Sydney. Tahun 2001, Djoko dan istrinya Fifi mendirikan biro desain grafis Kineto. Di bulan September 2004 menerbitkan Majalah Desain Grafis Indonesia Concept.

Di tahun 2008 PT. Concept Media berkolaborasi dengan Godot Guntoro menerbitkan Majalah babybos kemudian menerbikan komik superhero 100% Indonesia ALiA. kedua publikasi baru ini dilaunching di acara 1001 Inspiration Design Festival, satu festival desain terbesar dengan 23.000 pengunjung. Festival ini merupakan kolaborasi antara Concept dan Digital Studio. Tahun 2008 yang lalu Djoko mencoba ranah kreasi yang baru: menulis mengembangkan konten untuk anak-anak.

Director of Design Industry: Djoko Hartanto

Graduated in Economics at the University of Parahyangan in Bandung in 1995, and received his diploma in Advertising in Graphic Art at the Billy Blue School of Graphic Art, Sydney. Djoko received his Master of Design from the University of Technology, Sydney. In 2001, Djoko and his wife Fifi established graphic design agency Kineto. In the month of September 2004 he published the Magazine Indonesian Graphic Design Concept.

In 2008 PT. Concept Media collaborated with Godot Guntoro to publish babybos magazine, and then 100% Indonesian superhero comic book, entitled Alia. These two new publications were launched in 1001 Inspiration Design Festival, one of the biggest design festivals with 23000 visitors. This festival is a collaboration between the Concept and Digital Studio. In 2008 Djoko made a new creation: writing to develop content for children.


Director of Design Education: Andika


Tamat Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni Rupa ISI Yogyakarta dan menjadi mahasiswa berprestasi dilingkungan ISI jogja 1997 serta tiga kali mendapatkan penghargaan Karya DIskomvis Terbaik pada Dies Natalis ISI, 1995, 1996, dan 1997. Kini Andika adalah CEO di Syafa’at Advertising Yogyakarta yang kerap disebut sebagai agency syAriah. Kesibukan lainnya adalah mengajar di beberapa perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta. beberapa kali memenangkan penghargaan yang berhubungan desain komunikasi visual.

Director of Design Education: Andika

Visual Communication Design Graduate from the Faculty of Fine Arts (ISI) in Yogyakarta and became the best students within the ISI jogja 1997, and received awards three times for the Best Work at DIskomvis Dies Natalis ISI, 1995, 1996, and 1997. Currently Andika is CEO of Yogyakarta Syafa’at Advertising agency known as Sharia. He also teaches at several universities both public and private. He won several awards relating to visual communication design several times.


Director of Government Relations and Industry Policy: Hastjarjo B. Wibowo

Seorang desainer grafis, penulis di bidang kreatif, dosen dan aktivis desain grafis yang turut mendirikan Forum Desain Grafis Indonesia (FDGI), terlibat dalam revitalisasi Asosiasi Desainer Grafis indonesia (Adgi).

Hast aktif di berbagai tonggak penting dalam perkembangan industri kreatif dan desain grafis di Indonesia diantaranya turut dalam tim pengembangan ekonomi kreatif Indonesia dengan Departemen Perdagangan RI, Mendirikan Cocoon sebagai inkubasi kreatif, termasuk dalam tim yang mempersiapkan Museum Desain grafis Indonesia dan menjadi ketua tim penyusun RSKKNI Desain Grafis yang difasilitasi oleh Depkominfo hingga akhirnya disahkan pada tahun 2010.

Director of Government Relations and Industry Policy: Hastjarjo B. Wibowo

A graphic designer, a writer in a creative field, graphic design professor and activist who co-founded Indonesian Graphic Design Forum (FDGI), he is involved in the revitalization of Indonesian Graphic Designers Association (Adgi).

Hast is active in several important milestones in the development of creative and graphic design industry in Indonesia, among others participated in the economic development of Indonesia’s creative team with the Ministry of Trade. He established Cocoon as creative incubation. He was a team member who prepared the Indonesian Graphic Design Museum, and became the team leader to establish RSKKNI Graphic Design that was facilitated by Depkominfo which was finally launched in 2010.


Director of International Relations and Strategic Partnership: Zinnia Sompie

Merampungkan studinya di Art institute of Seatle in 1995 dan School of Visual Arts New York 1998, Zinnia memulai karirnya selaku art/creative beberapa majalah lifestyle seperti Neo Magazine, Djakarta!, dna PS: Magazine. tahun 2001 bersama beberapa teman mendirikan creative boutique, Akal Design yang mengerjakan movie poster dan CD cover “Eliana, Eliana”, “Titik Hitam”, Andien, Katon, serta artis lain. Setelah itu Zinnia menekuni publishing design dan mengerjakan buku “Indonesia Architecture Now”. pada tahun 2008, menerbitkan buku “Tips&Trik 01:Kamus Pintar Dasar Make-Up”.

Bersama teman dan saudaranya kini Zinnia mendirikan COD, yang disebutnya sebagai sebuah design concierge. Dimana dirinya menjadi Managing Directornya. Kesibukan Zinnia lainnya adalah menjadi pembicara pada seminar/workshop seperti “Designer’s Cafe” untuk gramedia Magazine Workshop, juga sebagai salah satu juri “Black Innovation Award” dan mengajar di IDS (Internasional Design School)

Director of International Relations and Strategic Partnership: Zinnia Sompie

Having completed his studies at the Art Institute of Seattle in 1995 and the School of Visual Arts in New York in 1998, Zinnia started his career in art / creative lifestyle magazines such as Neo Magazine, Djakarta!, Dna PS: Magazine. In 2001 with, a few colleagues he founded the creative boutique, Intellect Design creating movie posters and CD cover “Eliana, Eliana”, “Black Point”, Andien, Katon, as well as other artists. Afterwards Zinnia pursued his career in publishing and design work on the book “Indonesian Architecture Now”. In 2008, he published the book “Tips & Tricks 01: “Tips&Trik 01:Kamus Pintar Dasar Make-Up”.

Together with a few colleagues and his brother, he founded the now Zinnia COD, which he calls a design concierge, where he is the Managing Director. His other activities include becoming a public speaker at seminars and workshops such as “Designer’s Cafe” for Scholastic Magazine Workshop, as well as one of the jurors “Black Innovation Award” and teaches at IDS (International Design School).


Director of Research and Development: Eka Sofyan

Ia adalah sarjana Sekolah Tinggi Seni RUpa dan Desain Indonesia Bandung, program Studi Desain grafis yang memulai karirnya sebagai graphic Designer dan illustrator di AW Design Studio, Bandung 1993-1996 lalu graphic Designer-Group head of branding Designer di MAKKI MAKKI Branding Consultant, jakarta 1996-2001 dan Creative Director pada DIALOGUE+DESIGN, branding Design, Jakarta 2001-2005, kini menjadi Direktur+Desainer di PAPRIEKA, Studio desain Grafis, Jakarta.

Aktifitas Eka lainnya mengajar di DKV Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta dan sebagai Kontributor Majalah Desain versus. Selain itu Eka aktif sebagai dosen tamu, pembicara, mentor lokakarya. tahun 2006-2010 menjadi ketua forum Desain grafis Indonesia (FDGI), Jakarta dan 2009 Koordinator Kuratorial Indonesia graphic Design Award 2009. Selain berprestasi sebagi pemenang berbagai lomba desain juga menjadi juri dan aktif menulis.

Director of Research and Development: Eka Sofyan

Eka is a graduate of Institute of Fine Arts and Design Indonesia of Bandung, majoring in Graphic Design Studies program. He began his career as a graphic designer and illustrator in AW Design Studio, Bandung in 1993-1996, and then he became the head of graphic Designer Group of branding at the Makki Makki Branding Consultant, Jakarta 1996 – 2001. Then he became a Creative Director at DIALogue + Design, Branding Design, Jakarta from 2001 to 2005. Eka is currently a director at PAPRIEKA + Designers, Graphic Design Studio, Jakarta.

Eka teaches at DKV Eka Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta. He contributes Versus Design Magazine. He is also a guest lecturer, speaker and workshops mentor. In 2006-2010 he is the chairman of Indonesian Graphic Design Forum (FDGI), Jakarta, and in 2009 he was a Curatorial Coordinator of graphic Design Award – 2009. In addition to his achievement as in winning he regularly becomes a judge for competitions. Eka actively writes.


Director of Member Benefit: Siswanto.


Lulusan BSC Graphic Design Oregon State University, USA 1991 dan MBA Business di Monash University Melbourne. Kesibukannya selain menjadi GM di Siem Offset juga mengajar di Binus Internasional. Penyuka traveling, jeep dan fotografi dan saat ini siap berkiprah untuk Adgi.

Director of Member Benefit: Siswanto.

A graduate of BSC Graphic Design of Oregon State University, USA in 1991 and MBA in Business at Monash University in Melbourne. Apart from being a GM in Siem Offset, he also teaches at Binus International. Fond of travelling, siswanto also likes driving jeeps and photography, and he is currently ready to take part in Adgi.


Director of Chapter Development: Priska Nutiansari

Priska adalah lulusan terbaik Universitas Bina Nusantara pada jurusan DKV 2006. Pengalaman professionalnya dimulai magang di Adwicipta Desain dan sempat menjadi desainer di Leboye Design. Aktif berorganisasi sejak SMP hingga kuliah, aktif dalam kepengurusan acara tahunan Plaza Design dan fresh ‘n’ bright, terlibat dalam kepanitiaan ad hoc FDGI serta dalam pelaksanaan Kongres Adgi tahun 2006.

Kini mengajar di Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual Binus University dan tergabung dalam tim penyusun RSKKNI Desain Grafis sebagai koordinator Materi yang difasilitasi oleh Depkominfo hingga akhirnya disahkan pada tahun 2010 ini. Saat ini aktif berkarir sebagai desainer grafis dengan konsentrasi pada desain kemasan dan publikasi. meneliti, mendidik dan berorganisasi adalah 3 hal yang menjadi minat terbesarnya.

Director of Chapter Development: Prisca Nutiansari

Prisca was the best graduate of Bina Nusantara University majoring in DKV 2006. Her Professional career began at internship at Adwicipta Design. She was a designer in Leboye Design. Active in organization since junior high school to college, she is also active in the management of the annual Plaza Design and Fresh ‘n’ bright. She was in the FDGI ad hoc committee as well as in Adgi Congress in 2006.

Prisca currently teaches at the Visual Communication Design Department at Binus University and is a the team member of RSKKNI Graphic Design as a Material coordinator facilitated by Depkominfo, which was launched in 2010. Currently active as a graphic designer focusing on the packaging and publication design. Research, education and organization are her greatest interest.


Director of Finance and Administration: Trianugrah


Mengawali karir sebagai designer di BD+A Design pada tahun 2006 s/d sekarang, ia telah menyelesaikan project multidisiplin antara lain branding, signage system, Islamic branding, city branding, packaging, environmental graphics dan mengikuti beberapa exhibition. Tergabung dalam tim Trend Forecasting bersama ICC (Indonesia Creative Center) sejak 2009. Aktif sebagai anggota dan pernah menjabat sebagai membership Coordinator Adgi Jakarta Chapter periode 2008-2010.

Director of Finance and Administration: Trianugrah

Trianugrah started her career as a designer in the BD + A Design in 2006 untill now. She has completed a multidisciplinary project including branding, signage systems, Islamic branding, city branding, packaging, environmental graphics, and joined some exhibitions. She has joined in Trend Forecasting team with the ICC (Indonesia Creative Center) since 2009. She is an active member of Adgi Jakarta Chapter and has served as Membership Coordinator for period 2008-2010.


Director of Brand and Communication: Mendiola B. Wiryawan

Mendiola B. Wiryawan adalah seorang Brand Experience Designer, yang juga penulis best seller Kamus Brand, sebuah Kamus mengenai Brand dan Branding pertama di Indonesia. mengawali karirnya sebagai desainer profesional tahun 2000. mendiola mendirikan perusahaannya sendiri dengan nama Mendiola Design Associates pada tahun 2004. Mendiola telah menangani berbagai brand nasional dan multinasional seperti HSBC, Shell, WWF,, FGDEXPO 2009, Mojopia, Ids-International Design School, metropolitan land, Nature’s Health, Jakarta International Film Festival (Jiffest), Radio Idola Semarang, Duta TV Banjarmasin, dsb. Sejak tahun 2000 Mendiola juga tercatat sebagai staf pengajar di sebuah universitas swasta di Jakarta jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual, dan sering diundang sebagai pembicara tamu, diperguruan tinggi sejak tahun 2005. Ia juga aktif menjadi pembicara seminar, juri, dan penulis di berbagai media.

Mendiola beserta beberapa temannya mendirikan Forum Desain Grafis Indonesia (FDGI), sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang mengkhususkan diri pada studi, edukasi dan pengembangan desain grafis dan juga menjadi tim revitalisasi Asosiasi Desain Grafis Indonesia (ADGI). Mendiola juga sempat memenangkan beberapa penghargaan desain seperti Indonesian Graphic Design Award (IGDA), Lomba poster KPK, dsb, serta berpameran dalam skala nasional dan internasional.

Director of Brand and Communication: Mendiola B. Wiryawan

Mendiola B. Wiryawan is a Brand Experience Designer, who is also the author of best seller Kamus Brand (Dictionary of Brands), the first Dictionary of Brands and Brandings in Indonesia. He started his career as a professional designer in 2000. mendiola founded his own company by the name Mendiola Design Associates in 2004. He has handled numerous national and multinational brands such as HSBC, Shell, WWF,, FGDEXPO 2009, Mojopia, IDS-International Design School, the metropolitan land, Nature’s Health, Jakarta International Film Festival (JiFFest), Idola Semarang Radio, Duta TV Banjarmasin, etc.. Since 2000, Mendiola is also listed as a faculty member at a private university in Jakarta, teaching Visual Communication Design since 2005. He is also active as a conference speaker, jury, and writer in various media.

Mendiola and some of his colleagues founded the Indonesian Graphic Design Forum (FDGI), a non-profit organization that specializes in the study, education and development of graphic design and is also a team member of the revitalization of the Association of Indonesian Graphic Design (ADGI). Mendiola also has won several design awards such as the Indonesian Graphic Design Award (IGDA), KPK poster Competition Commission, etc., as well as exhibiting in national and international events.


The Advisory Board

The Advisory Board

Irvan Noe’man

Adalah aktifis kreatif dan pemikir yang mendirikan BD+A Design dengan keahlian lintas desain: Product Design and Innovations, Industrial Design, Visual – Graphic Design, Space and Retail Identity, Brand and Corporate Identity. Penggagas Indonesia Design Power yang memperkenalkan creative economy di Indonesia juga menjadi chairman FGDforum yang menyelenggarakan FGD Expo.

Lulusan RISD/ Rhode Island School of Design USA ’85 M.ID – Industrial Design College dan FSRD ITB – 1977. Mendirikan Creative Center Indonesia yang memfasilitasi pengembangan desain dan kreatif melalui workshop serta aktifitas lainnya. Minatnya pada penelitian dan pengembangan desain menjadikannya sebagai “trend decoder”

Irvan Noe’man

Irvan is a creative activist and thinker who founded the BD + A Design with a cross design expertise: Product Design and Innovations, Industrial Design, Visual – Graphic Design, Space and Retail Identity, Brand and Corporate Identity. He is the pioneer of Indonesia Design Power that introduced creative economy in Indonesia and the chairman of the organizing FGDforum that organized FGD Expo.

He graduates from RISD / Rhode Island School of Design, USA in 1985 M. ID and Industrial Design College and FSRD of ITB in 1977. He also founded the Creative Center Indonesia facilitating the design and creative development through workshops and other activities. His interest in research and design development has made earned him a title “trend decoder”


Andi S. Boediman

Seorang Creative Entrepreneurs sejati yang saat ini menjabat sebagai chairman di IDS | International Design School yang dikenal sebelumnya sebagai Digital Studio College. Menjalankan Mojopia yang merupakan subsidiary Telkom group yang mengkhusus pada ecommerce dan content platform.

Andi S. Boediman juga menjabat CEO pada FGDexpo 2007 – 2009. Pendidikan akademisnya yang berlatar kreatif sangat lengkap: Academy of Art University ’95, Graphic Design, Petra Christian University ’89 Bachelor of Architecture Serta San Francisco State University ’95 Multimedia, Bay Area Video Coalition ’95 Video Production, New York Film Academy ’99 Filmmaking

Andi S. Boediman

A true Creative Entrepreneur who currently serves as chairman of IDS (International Design School), formerly known as Digital Studio College. He Runs Mojopia which is a subsidiary of Telkom group that specializes in e-commerce and content platforms.

Andi S. Boediman also served as CEO at FGDexpo 2007-2009. His creative academic education is very extensive: Academy of Art University Graphic Design in 95, in 1989 he received his Bachelor of Architecture from Petra Christian University, Multimedia from San Francisco State University in 1995, Bay Area Video Coalition Video Productions in 1995, the New York Film Academy Filmmaking in 1999


A Noor Arief

A. Noor Arief berlatar pendidikan Arsitektur dan seni rupa adalah salah satu pendiri brand Yogya yang popular DAGADU dibawah PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja yang juga mengkampanyekan “Kapan Ke Yogya lagi?”. Kini aktif melakukan product & business development bagi DAGADU.

A Noor Arief

A. Noor Arief has architectural and fine arts education background. He is one of the founders of the popular brand Yogya DAGADU under PT. Asli Dagadu Djokdja that campaigns “When are coming back to Yogya again?”. Now active in product & business development for DAGADU.


Yugo Mudayadi

adalah sarjana Seni Rupa IKIP Surabaya 1990 yang memulai pengalaman di dunia desain grafis 1995 – 1996 sebagai Art director di Galaxy Advertising Surabaya. Lalu menjadi creative director di Suksawidha Advertising (1997-1998), Design Consultant di ProTeam Event & Communications Bali (1998-2004) dan Managing Director Pragraf Visual Communications Surabaya hingga saat ini.

Yugo Mudayadi

Yugo earned his bachelor fine art degree from IKIP Surabaya in 1990. He developed his career in the world of graphic design from 1995 to 1996 as an art director at Galaxy advertising agency in Surabaya. Then became creative director at Suksawidha Advertising (1997-1998), the Design Consultant at ProTeam Bali Events & Communications (1998-2004). He is currently the Managing Director of Pragraf Visual Communications Surabaya.


Eko Prabowo

Profesi konsultan kreatif dimulai sejak pertengahan 80-an di bawah Unidesign Studio di Jakarta. Lingkup kegiatannya dimulai dengan desain grafis dan tata panggung pertunjukan. Pada pertengahan 80-an sempat bekerja pada sebuah korporasi sebagai desainer dalam divisi R&D untuk produk rotan selama 2 tahun. Sebelum pindah ke Bali, Eko menjalani profesi sebagai konsultan produk rotan untuk beberapa industri di Jawa dan Sumatra.

Dimulai dengan “Apilan”, sebuah restoran “satu meja” di pantai Utara Bali, pelayanan kreatif berlanjut dalam bidang produk furniture, ilustrasi, desain grafis, interior, kerajinan ramah lingkungan, sampai arsitektural dan seni instalasi. Pada tahun 1991, dengan membuka studio DesignEko di Sanur dan kemudian pindah ke Ubud pada 1993, Eko mengembangkan pelayanan jasa kreatif bagi berbagai industri seperti pariwisata & “hospitality”, perdagangan, pendidikan, kesehatan dan sosial.

Eko Prabowo

Eko started his Profession as a creative the mid-80s under Unidesign Studio in Jakarta. The scope of his activities began with a graphic design and layout stage. In the mid 80′s he worked at a corporation as a designer in the R & D division for rattan products for two years. Before moving to Bali, Eko’s was also a consultant for several industries of rattan products in Java and Sumatra.

He created apilan, a restaurant with single table in the northern coast of Bali, which followed with works in the field of furniture, illustration, graphic design, interior, environment-friendly crafts, to architectural and art installations. In 1991, he opened DesignEko studio in Sanur and later moved to Ubud in 1993. Eko develops creative services for various industries such as tourism & hospitality, trade, education, health and social.

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